about this

A's Thought web-Log について(about this site)

読み方は「えーず そーと うぇぶろぐ」

English follows Japanese.

考えたコト・体験したコトを記録したり、紹介したりしています。ガジェット類も、アプリも、書評も、知り得た知識も、日記的なコトも記したりもします。 私の母艦ブログサイトです。


>>独自ドメイン設定完了:http://www.tabe-atl.net/ をよろしくお願いいたします<(_ _)> | A's Thought web-Log(ATL)



For short, "ATL".
I've recorded and introduced some of the things I thought and experienced. I also record gadgets, applications, book reviews, knowledge I got to know, diary notes as well. This is my mother ship blog site.

↓I have introduced my own domain to this blog.

>>独自ドメイン設定完了:http://www.tabe-atl.net/ をよろしくお願いいたします<(_ _)> | A's Thought web-Log(ATL)

※I used So-net blog before 2012/3/30→This Link

書いている人について(about author)

English follows Japanese.




>>退職、そして転職へ | A's Thought web-Log(ATL)


ライフハック系のブログを読みかじり、私事タスク管理をGoogle Taskやリマインダ、Keepを使いながら効率化を試み、仕事はExcel使いとして日々乗り切っています。

以前はRemember The Milkを使っていましたが、やめちゃいました。




どうぞ、よろしくお願い致します<(_ _)>


I am a general employee (probably).

From a company that worked for 14 years, I changed job to another company.

↓Related article

>>退職、そして転職へ | A's Thought web-Log(ATL)

My name is "あべとも". On the internet, I use my name as "あべとも" or "ぶれ" or "FlashDancer".
I usually use "F.D.B" by the score name in the game center.

I read the blog of Life Hack type, trying to improve efficiency while using Google Task, reminders, Keep for personal task management, and work is riding day by day as Excel use.

Previously I used Remember The Milk, but I had quited.

I changed title and moved the blog several times, and it reaches to now.

I want to overcome what I cannot quite going to do long lastingly. I want to update this blog in some way.

I think that I want to write more here, but I cannot take time to write all. So I think I will update it little by little.

Thank you very much for reading. <(_ _)>

Excelに特化したサイト(Excel information site)

https://www.tabe-excel.info/ に、私のExcel知識を少しずつおいています。



There is my knowledge about Excel little by little at the following site.


If you are interested, please visit here as well. (But Japanese only.)




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